Depression, Is It In Your Mind?
Depression has many causes. Sometimes depression is organic and can be treated with medication. Sometimes depression is situational, meaning it is caused by the way we organize our thoughts or feelings about situations in our lives. Sometimes it is both situational and organic. Situational depression can be treated by working to reorganize our thinking…
The Surprising Role Of Surprise
Everyone can benefit from an unexpected dopamine rush stimulated by surprise. Try it, you will enjoy pleasure response which can help lift depression.
Depress Your Depression: Fight Seasonal Depression (SAD)
SAD is a mood disorder causing depression in people during winter months. Helpful suggestion for combating depression.
Is Suicide A Selfish Choice? What We Can Gain From The Death Of Robin Williams
If you have friends who struggle with addiction or mental illness, encourage them to talk about it and listen without judgement. There are resources to help.
Black And White Thinking Leads To Depression
Black-and-white thinking pattern sets up the brain for mood extremes, frequently resulting in depression.
Avoid Depression And Anxiety—Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
There are many different ways to see the same situation. Our viewpoint can determine our mood.