Why Many Successful People Are Jerks
It is a thinking error to have the engrained belief that you are one of a kind; you are special and rules don’t apply to you.
It is a thinking error to have the engrained belief that you are one of a kind; you are special and rules don’t apply to you.
spouses who are emotionally generous with each other are happier. Check to see you are as interested in meeting your partner’s needs, as you are your own.
Lincoln’s story illustrates that we can form relationships with people who are critical of us—and we can even benefit from their criticism and manage our anger.
We all like to support what we help create. If you work together and include your child’s ideas in the solution, you won’t have to fight the homework wars.
Due to the complex nature of the job, many mothers become efficiency experts, and on job psychologists but Lillian Gilbreth researched, documented and publish her work. I salute her as a role model and visionary beyond her time.
Some children are born extra sensitive, some have experienced trauma in their lives. Regardless of the cause, these children struggle finding personal peace.
When we feel purposeful, confidant and resilient we are anchored to our North Star. If you head away from your North Star, you feel yearning, emptiness and low self esteem.
If you find yourself frequently stuck in a passive, aggressive, or a passive/aggressive style considering finding a counselor to help you learn new interactive patterns.
Eating disorders refers to a group of conditions defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual’s physical and mental health.
“If this is love, why do I feel so bad?” is NOT a mantra for healthy relationships. If you are questioning the quality of your romantic relationships here are some insights.