Only Today, Principles For Anxiety

How would you live if there was no tomorrow but only today?  A popular hymn gives this advice: Today while the sun shines, work with a will Today all your duties fulfill Today, today work with a will There is no tomorrow but only today. The phrase, only today, describes a skill called “present moment…

“I Told You So!” Why Well-Meaning Words Fail

Many of us have feel the righting urge when others are making mistakes. We try to right them, because it appears they are in a free fall. It works for cats but unfortunately, people often have the opposite reaction when we attempt to right them. They vigorously reject our corrections and either defend or go…

Change Your Motivation In 7 Steps

Unmotivated: Disheartened, dampen, dispirited, overwhelmed, discouraged The change process is difficult Many times clients get discouraged with the journey of change. Be it losing weight, staying sober, fighting depression or numerous other issues, everyone starts off with enthusiasm and confidence but midway they lose stamina and contemplate quitting. Indeed, the change process can be overwhelming.…

How To Respond When Someone Hurts Your Feelings

When someone hurts our feelings, it is hard to see beyond three choices: Have an angry confrontation Say nothing but get even Say nothing and feel bad Three examples: Bill felt angry at recent actions from his neighborhood HOA board. He fired off an angry email to the president. The president became defensive and forwarded…

This Is My Fight Song

How To Fight For You Discouragement comes to us all. But some people find something deep inside of themselves helping them survive situations where others fail. They successfully navigate through trials. They find courage in their inner courage. They fight. What is that something? If you had it would it raise your self-esteem? Would you…

Depression, Is It In Your Mind?

  Depression has many causes. Sometimes depression is organic and can be treated with medication. Sometimes depression is situational, meaning it is caused by the way we organize our thoughts or feelings about situations in our lives. Sometimes it is both situational and organic. Situational depression can be treated by working to reorganize our thinking…

17 Tips For Dealing With Anxiety

TIPS When you get stressed or overwhelmed ask yourself, “Is there another way to see this situation?” Change your mind set from forecasting disaster to problem solving. Think of a person you admire who makes handles stress well. Ask yourself, “What would they do in my situation?” Physical movement can create emotional movement and get…