Change Your Motivation In 7 Steps

Unmotivated: Disheartened, dampen, dispirited, overwhelmed, discouraged The change process is difficult Many times clients get discouraged with the journey of change. Be it losing weight, staying sober, fighting depression or numerous other issues, everyone starts off with enthusiasm and confidence but midway they lose stamina and contemplate quitting. Indeed, the change process can be overwhelming.…

Survival Of The Kindest: Why We Love Mr. Rogers

During a time when politics seems very polarizing and extremes viewpoints gain headlines, it is rewarding to watch the movie, “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood”. The movie chronicles the life of Fred Rogers and the philosophy behind his highly acclaim television programing for children.  As a young mother, I watched his television program and…

Why Are Successful People Jerks?

With the recent accusations of New York’s governor Cuomo, the impeachment investigation of Trump, and shocking behavior at the Capitol insurrection, we are once again stunned with headlines announcing misbehavior from a famous member of society. Why do prominent people destroy their reputation with unkind anti-social behavior? Columnist Christian Sagers, writes, “I’ve heard tales of…

Normal? It Depends On Your Perspective

Normal Varies I overheard my 5-year-old granddaughter murmured something about being normal. When I asked her what she meant she said, “My brother is old, my little sister is young and I am normal.” Her comment made me smile. As a middle child, her perspective makes sense. From a grandma’s viewpoint, all three children are…